Sunday, April 26, 2009


Here are the long awaited pictures from our fabulous weekend at Winterthur.

A beautiful staircase.

An nice, old desk.

The spraying mushrooms in the Enchanted Garden.

The troll bridge.

Trinks and S in the "nest".

Petting the fish was their favorite part of the whole day.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Delaware Theater Company

Last night, hubs and I ditched the kids and headed over to Wilmington to check out All the Great Books (abridged). DTC is a small, intimate theater, which was perfect for this show. The cast went through 86 books, including Green Eggs and Ham. We were promised a wild, cross dressing, fish flying romp through great works, and we were not disappointed. Who knew Captain Kirk was in the Iliad and the Odyssey? And the characters in War and Peace could see Sarah Palin's house from Russia. It was a really fun night, and we ended up with a diploma.